Knowing God starts by knowing yourself

Know God

Hey y’all! It’s me, Michael. I spent most of my life trying to build my own little empire. To some extent, it worked...until it all came crashing down.
Know God Through Gospel Violin Music and Worship
I lost my marriage, business, and everything that made me comfortable. I was addicted to pornography and stuck in hopelessness. However, it was only after I lost it all, I was able to know God. The great news is that you can too!

Knowing God actually starts by knowing yourself. We can know who we are by looking at the very beginning.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
(Genesis 1:27)

Every human to ever exist was made in the image of God. This means all humans, no matter their upbringing, social status, religion, or race, are valued by God. Adam and Eve walked with God in a perfect relationship. We were made to know God!

However, that perfect relationship was severed. Adam & Eve broke the only rule God gave to them. By doing this, sin entered the world and fractured that perfect relationship with God.

For centuries, people tried to fix that broken relationship. Moses was the leader of God’s people but had severe anger problems. David was a man after God’s own heart but committed adultery and murder. No matter who tried, no one could fix what was broken and truly know God…until God made a way.

He knew no man could fix the relationship that was broken by sin. So God became a man, and that man’s name was Jesus. Out of love, God sent Jesus to fix our relationship with him.
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”
(1st John 4:9)
While on this mission of love, Jesus was God’s perfect representative.
- Where you lied, Jesus always spoke truth.
- Where you hated, Jesus perfectly loved.
- Where you looked at others with lust, Jesus treated everyone as humans and not sexual objects.
Despite his perfect life, he was treated as a criminal and crucified on a cross. While on the cross, he took the sin of the world and was punished for that sin. While we deserve judgment for our sin, Jesus took that on for us and died.

Yet, the grave could not contain him! He rose from the grave 3 days later, defeating sin, Satan, and death.

It is great that Jesus defeated death, but what does that mean for you? This means you, too, can conquer death. Those who believe in Jesus get the opportunity to truly know God.
“I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.”
(John 11:25-26)
Do you want to know God? Your journey to knowing him starts by trusting your life over to Jesus!

If you do not know God yet, but are curious about him, we are glad you are here.

I once walked in your shoes. One person who has been instrumental in helping me know God is Pastor Rick Warren. He has tons of content that will help you as you grow in your walk with the Lord.
This is a great place to start and one of my favorite videos.
Rick Warren also wrote one of the highest-selling books of all time called “The Purpose Driven Life”. I highly recommend it.
We look forward to inspiring you and helping you on the path to know God and relate it to your relationship journey!