God wants to heal your past hurts


Feeling overwhelmed about all the things you may need to work on? Don't fret! Below, I've put together some resources for you to review that should help you.

Working on yourself will allow you to be the perfect dating partner for someone else. They will be so happy you did this, and hopefully, they are doing the same!
— Michael
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What is excellent about identifying things you need to work on is that you can work on them all simultaneously at the same time by focusing on one thing…

Your relationship with Jesus Christ!

Let me explain how your relationship with Jesus will positively influence you.

Have uncontrolled anger?

Jesus wants to heal that anger.

Have addictions?

God wants to be first place in your life, and once you feel that relationship with Him and prioritize it as number one, nothing else will be as important as your relationship with Him.

You'll feel amazing once you do this!

Feel like you are greedy?

God wants to simplify your life and make money less important to you. Where money and possessions can be taken from you, your relationship with God will never be taken from you.

Feel like you are self-centered?

Jesus teaches us in His word to care about others as much as ourselves. He promises joy and happiness if we focus on healthy relationships instead of caring only about ourselves.

Still bitter from a previous relationship?

God wants to heal your past hurts and help you see them differently.

Your past is your story that can help others. Nothing else feels better when you can relate to others' pains and help them through it.

It is what God wants us to do with our limited time here on Earth!

This doesn't take long, folks…

For me, it was a few years of dedicated time in the word of God, and He prepared me to meet the love of my life!

I was divorced, lost everything and grew up with bad habits such as porn and sex addiction…

God healed me! He cleaned my heart and made me ready to meet the love of my life.

All it takes is dropping to your knees, realizing you need Him and then working on yourself.

Even if you don't understand it all right now, He will help you understand it once you listen to His word.

My recommendation for all of you out there who want to get to this same place I did…
Listen to many of pastor Rick Warren's sermons (pastor of Saddleback Church in California).

They are all available free on YouTube!

He is Biblically sound, easy to understand and funny.

He will lead you to the truth of God's word.
I recommend starting here if you don't know God and want to understand what it means to have a relationship with Him
Then, I recommend all of the sermons I will highlight below.

In my case, I rotated between them and watched them a lot.

They will heal your heart in every way!
Learn How to be Free from Self Destruction

This sermon was pivotal to helping me understand my past hurts and how Satan wanted to use all of them to make me self-destruct. The last thing Satan wants is for you to be in a healthy future marriage!

Transformed: Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind

This sermon helped me understand how my mind works and how I can do things actually to combat negative feelings. The second half of this sermon on the topic of temptation is fantastic. For those that struggle with porn or any other addiction, this is a tremendous sermon!

Habit of Happiness (Parts 1-7)

These sermons will help you see happiness differently. What makes us happy? In this 7-part series, Rick explains counter-culture truth. Your view of what you should look for in a mate will be changed entirely! This is just the first of seven sermons. They are all fantastic!

Learn How God Can Use Anybody

Having a life purpose is critical to finding a life partner. This sermon will inspire you to see your failures differently in how you can use them to help the world. Nothing will be more attractive to another Christian than someone who honestly uses their life to help others! The testimony of Danny Duchene is one of the most touching you'll ever find.

How to Get Through What You're Going Through

For anyone going through deep pain such as a child’s death or any other deep hurt, this sermon will relate to you and help you in working on yourself in a healthy way.

I recommend many more when you are in the preparation stage of getting ready for a mate.

I would suggest going to YouTube and typing "Rick Warren Sermons."

They are all fantastic!

These sermons on the topic of dating and marriage are also excellent.
Finding the Love of Your Life

This book is highly inspired by this sermon. Rick Warren has the experience to teach dating, and he set me up for a successful marriage post-divorce!

Learn How to Fight for Your Marriage

Even if you have never been married, this sermon helps us understand how God sees marriage. It will be a great go-to to watch over and over, especially if you haven't seen a healthy marriage situation growing up. It is the ultimate vision and taught in such a unique and powerful way!

Rick Warren is great, but I also recommend these online preachers.
Craig Groeschel
Joyce Meyer
Francis Chan
Billy Graham
And many more…

We are what we put into our minds.

If you fully commit to listening to the solid truth about the Word of God…your life will be transformed.

And you'll be ready to meet the love of your life!

What is important also is not to pollute your mind with negative truths.

This can be found on social media and television!

Could you give it a year?

If you put nothing but positive truth into your mind and focus the word of God…

Along with no social media and very careful TV watching…

You'll naturally be a completely different person.

You will attract the love of your life!